October 23, 2018
I love the original binoculars of the Empire State Building which are part of the fabric, the architecture. They are as iconic as much as any other part of the 102 Storey Art Deco Skyscraper .
A unique view allowing you to observe the City below. As a photographer you are fascinated by an optical device.
In this picture it is as though a face is looking back at you, making you the watcher, seemingly watched by the binoculars. There is something about the light, the depth of field and the colour which makes it appear like a film still, maybe resonating with Alfred Hitchcock's 'Rear View'. In some ways you could be looking down on the movie below, but without realising you are part of the film.
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February 03, 2024
October 03, 2023
May 25, 2023
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Richard Heeps.