September 15, 2020
MPP Micro Technical Mark VII
Micro Precision Products Limited 4x5 Micro Technical Mark VII, made in England in 1956.
I originally got this large format camera because it allows you to make large detailed prints. But it is a cumbersome beast and for that reason I have underused it. The film is expensive, sheet film rather than a roll and so the loading time between each shot prevents spontaneity, you could completely miss the moment.
About the same time as I got the camera there were some big advancements in film such as Kodak Ektar and the grain size allowed you to make quality large blow ups from the small negative size.
I did use it on very specific situations when I had plenty of time to work and I wanted a very detailed image, my best picture I took with it was 'Ploughman's Cottage' from the fenland series Resettlement.
In recent years I have thought of returning to it as I get more requests for 50"-70" prints.
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Richard Heeps.