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Richard Heeps' eye for capturing "Sign Porn" has meant he is extremely popular in this genre. He has a big collection of "Signs" from around the world and he is always adding to them. Many were taken in America, but many were not but they do have the same technicolor vibe. This set was put together from his broad range of work under the title 'Dream in Color', here in this fun composition your eye gets taken around and into each artwork, the saturated colours bring a pop-art feel.
This installation comprises of nine individually framed artworks which have been composed in a way which takes your eye around the sequence. Once purchased the client can take the predesigned set or create their own set of nine from the whole collection.
Each measures 40x47x3.5cm and is a limited edition of 25 and individually are priced at £150. We apply a £50 discount for each multiple of three purchased. Overall dimensions for a set of 9 is approx 130x150cm but they can be hung further apart or closer together. They are framed in a choice of black or white.
They can be displayed in other figurations to suit the room/space they are to be situated in. If you would like to purchase in other multiples to suit your space ie. 8 just get in touch for a bespoke purchase. We offer a complimentary consultation service to create the perfect set for your interior.
Any Questions?
Just call us on : +44 (0) 7779704946
email : photo@richardheeps.co.uk
In our studio we follow a Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Environmental Policy. The packaging used to wrap your order may have been reused and we encourage you to consider if you can do the same.
Any offcut materials we can't use we share in our local community such as schools, businesses and charities to reduce waste.
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© 2025
Richard Heeps.